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Patient Services

General Information

  • We see and have experience treating patients of all ages from 6 months to over 100 years old

  • At Virginia Neuro-Optometry, we aim to co-manage patients in a multi-disciplinary approach to patient care.  Our goal is to provide diagnostic insight and rehabilitative/adaptive treatments for patients with double vision as well as atypical visual complaints due to development, brain injury, stroke, and neurological disease. 

  • Patients travel from all over the country to see Dr Theis - please contact our office if you need local housing/hotel recommendations.

  • If you are interested in worker's compensation qualified  and/or medico-legal independent clinical examinations please contact our office.

  • For more information or contact us via phone 804-387-2902 or email us at if you have any questions

Most Common Visual Complaints we See

  • Double vision

  • Blurry vision - intermittent/atypical that is not alleviated with updated contacts/glasses

  • Reading difficulties - words move on the page, skipping words while reading, losing place while reading

  • Dizziness/nausea/headaches/fatigue provoked by visual tasks (ex: scrolling on the computer, traveling in the car, watching television, reading)

  • Visual field loss  - Homonymous/neurologic visual field loss

    • Quadrinopsia​

    • Hemianopsia

  • Light sensitivity

  • Glare sensitivity

  • Reduced vision in certain lighting conditions

  • Image size difference (aniseikonia)

  • Amblyopia/lazy eye

  • Visual processing disorders

  • Visual Snow

Most Common Conditions we See

  • Post-concussion photophobia and oculomotor dysfunction

  • Moderate/severe traumatic brain injury

  • Stroke

  • Developmental and acquired visual processing deficits

    • Cortical visual impairment (CVI)​

    • Posterior cortical atrophy

    • Dementia/Alzheimers

  • Diplopia (double vision)

    • Oculomotor dysfunction - convergence insufficiency/spasm, accommodative disorders

    • Strabismus​ - congenital and acquired phoria/tropia

    • Restrictive thyroid eye disease

    • Retinal/macular-induced aniseikonia/diplopia

    • Incomitant diplopia due to peripheral cranial nerve III, IV, and VI palsies or brainstem/midbrain origin

    • Multiple sclerosis

    • Myasthenia gravis

    • Parkinson's disease

    • Progressive supranuclear palsy

  • Pediatric Amblyopia and Strabismus

  • Pediatric Oculomotor Reading Difficulties

  • Optical null point movement for nystagmus​

  • Portable/trial frame refractions and ocular health examinations for patients who may be unable to participate in traditional optometric/ophthalmologic examinations due to physical disabilities or mobility restrictions


How to refer a patient

  • Fill out a patient referral form 

  • Fax pertinent records and the referral form to 804-509-0543

  • Have the patient call our office to schedule  804-387-2902

Image by Tim Sessinghaus
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